New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is set to announce the Class 10 and 12 board results shortly. Once the results are declared, students can access their marksheets on the official CBSE website,


CBSE has outlined a process for students who may not be satisfied with their results. They will have the opportunity to request a verification of marks, obtain a photocopy of their evaluated answer books, and, if needed, request a re-evaluation of their answers.

According to the official schedule, the verification of marks will be available from the fourth day to the eighth day after the result is declared. Students can obtain scanned copies of their answer books from the 19th day to the 20th day after the result is declared. Re-evaluation of answer sheets will be possible from the 24th day to the 25th day after the result is declared.

CBSE emphasizes that these activities are time-bound and can only be accessed online. Requests made after the specified deadlines or through offline modes will not be accepted. This strict adherence to deadlines is essential to maintain examination safety protocols.

CBSE will release detailed instructions and the exact schedule for applying for verification of marks, obtaining photocopies of evaluated answer books, and requesting re-evaluation once the results are officially declared.