In an extraordinary twist of fate, a family's decade-long nightmare came to an end in Chhindwara, when a woman, presumed dead and for whose murder her father and brother were wrongly imprisoned, was found to be alive. The courts have now cleared the father and son of all charges in light of this revelation.

A Case That Stunned the Community


From the district of Chhindwara, a case so unusual unfolded that it left the local community in shock. A young woman, long assumed dead, made an unexpected return to life's stage, stirring up a whirlwind of questions about the police's conduct in her case.

The Background of the Mystery

The incident originated from the village of Jopanlal, part of Chhindwara's Singodi region. The girl, who was mistakenly declared deceased by authorities in 2014, has miraculously reappeared at her home. Her name is Kanchan Uikey, and she went missing on June 13, 2014. Without telling anyone, she was swayed by a villager named Rameshwar Dehria and left for Bhopal.At the time, she was not of legal adult age. Her disappearance led her family to lodge a missing person's report, but rather than receiving help, they faced intimidation and unwarranted scrutiny from the police, who eventually pinned the blame for her supposed death on her father and brother.

The Long-Lost Daughter Returns

For years, Kanchan remained out of touch with her family. It was only after an acquaintance informed her of her family's dire circumstances—her father and brother being imprisoned for her "murder"—that she decided to come home. Kanchan clarified upon her return that she had left in a bout of anger with a friend. The police, upon her return, conducted a DNA test to confirm her identity, which indeed matched Kanchan Uikey. The court, acting on this new evidence, acquitted her father and son, freeing them from the false accusations that had marred their lives.

Justice Prevails

The court's decision also led to an official reprimand for the SDOP responsible for the wrongful imprisonment. In acquitting the father and son, the court acknowledged the officers' fault in the matter, ordering disciplinary action. The family, having suffered under a false accusation, had sought the court's intervention to clear their name, asserting their daughter was still alive. Their appeal for justice was heard, and the officers involved were ordered to face the consequences of their actions.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of due diligence in the justice system and the profound impact it has on individuals' lives.