Beijing: China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers of an artillery regiment conducted a live shell drill in the Gobi desert.


The PLA organised and conducted live-fire confrontaion exercise on July 28, 2017.

China is currently engaged in a border standoff with Indian forces in the Doklam area near the Bhutan tri-junction since June after a Chinese Army's construction party attempted to build a road. Doka La is the Indian name for the region which Bhutan recognises as Doklam, while China claims it as part of its Donglang region.

China has also long been embroiled in a contest with Japan over East China Sea islands, as well as with five other governments over competing claims to territory in the strategically vital South China Sea. Beijing also threatens to use force to conquer Taiwan if peaceful enticements prove insufficient. China considers the self-governing democratic island Chinese territory.