New Delhi: Much prior to the unprecedentedly pounding pandemic, ‘global warming’ as well as ‘climate change’ has been dangling as a Sword of Damocles on our amiable planet called the Earth. Thus, we the Homo sapiens along with myriad of other species are obviously tending towards bearing the brunt of catastrophic consequences. But, the impending catastrophe looming large in our face globally is not literally natural. Rather, an outcome of a myopic manmade mindset.


The most important ‘Glasgow COP26’ is the 26th Conference of Parties (COP), participated by our worldwide countries, is also claimed to be a desperate bid to save our unique planet from the imminent ravages of climate change. The March 2022 report highlighting the impacts and issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change vividly underlines that a developing country like India is poised for encountering ‘substantial GDP losses’ owing to the extreme vagaries of Nature like ‘excessive heatwave’, ‘water scarcity’, ‘frequent climatic pricks and pangs’, et al. 

(In Pic: Dr Jagdish Chandra Rout)

Dr Jagdish Chandra Rout said that the need of the hour is now being laid utmost stress on decreasing the level of emissions (“net zero emissions” & “low-carbon transitions” pledge) emanating from the industrial units and automobiles on the roads, ironically, deemed to be the index of national development and prosperity.        

Since large-scale industrialization is touted to be a gateway to national progress and prosperity, also generating employment opportunities, curtailing the emission level is normally perceived to be throttling the pace of booming economy. Reason, more and more industrial activities have to be stalled and brought to a grinding halt, said Dr Rout.

Thus, ultra-modern science and technology ought to be applied for a reasonable way-out in true letter and spirit from now on so that the toxic industrial fumes and effluents get a cozy exit point without harming and hurting the enterprising ventures. Or else, our country India would lag behind in the cut-throat competitive world of materialism that enables us to mint money for sustenance of our growing population. 

On the contrary, pious prescriptions in shape of remedial measures to tackle the cruel and fatal impacts of climate change are the most essential tasks at the present point of time. Sans which, it is all set to engulf our whole humanity. 

Unless and until we strike a wise balance between economic progress and precautions against the catastrophic climate change, the nightmarish alarm of premature death knell is a foregone conclusion. 

It’s high time India should go in for aptly-coordinated policies and their stringent implementations, institutional sanctity for achieving the goals set for the common interests as well as evolve out the ways and means of fruitful international climatic diplomacy. 

Thus, the adage “A stitch in time saves nine” is to be practically well utilized by both our policy-makers and citizenry earnestly remembering the wisdom: “Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.”

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