New Delhi: Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta on Friday (October 28) has written to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to declare a dry day on Chhath Puja. According to him, this will maintain the sanctity of Delhi and the festival. Today Delhi Revenue Minister Kailash Gahlot also visited Hathi Ghat on the banks of the Yamuna near ITO on Friday to assess preparations for Chhath Puja. Chhath Puja, which involves fasting women offering 'arghya' to the Sun god in knee-deep water, will be held on October 30 and 31. The festival is extremely popular among Purvanchalis (people from Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh who live in Delhi).


"Today we have written to the Chief Minister of Delhi to declare a dry day on 'Chhath Puja' to maintain the sanctity of Delhi and the festival," says Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta. Gahlot issued orders to expedite remaining work, including inspections of sanitation, lighting, water supply arrangements, and the digging of temporary ponds, according to officials. "I took stock of the preparations for Chhath Puja and all the arrangements are in place. All the government agencies and departments -- be it irrigation and flood control, Delhi Jal Board, PWD (Public Works Department) -- all are working in coordination to ensure best arrangements," Gahlot told reporters after the visit.

Also Read: BJP vs AAP ahead of Chhath Puja: Parties spar over spraying of chemical in Yamuna - WATCH!

On Wednesday (October 26) Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena approved the practice of performing Chhath Puja at designated ghats along the Yamuna. The Delhi government is building 1,100 ghats for Chhath Puja this year. Officials previously stated that the revenue department is the nodal agency for Chhath Puja arrangements and that all other governments and civic agencies are working in close coordination to ensure the success of Chhath Puja.

(With agencies inputs)