New Delhi: In a shocking incident near Red Fort in Delhi, a 36-year-old cab driver, Shakib was brutally murdered as bystanders watched. Shakib was on his way back home after dropping a passenger when his Wagon R collided with an e-rickshaw near Chhatta Rail Crossing. Following the collision, three individuals from the e-rickshaw engaged in a verbal altercation with Shakib, which quickly turned violent. The situation escalated into physical violence that took a fatal turn when one of the assailants shot Shakib, resulting in his immediate demise.  


Despite the presence of numerous bystanders, no one intervened as Shakib was allegedly beaten for nearly 20 minutes, according to reports. In the crossfire, 15-year-old Lav Kush, a spectator, sustained a gunshot wound to his leg. 

As per reports, both victims were rushed to Lok Nayak Hospital, where authorities were alerted to the incident around 1:50 AM. Delhi Police swiftly responded, launching an investigation into the brutal murder. 

According to the police, the incident occurred around midnight, with Shakib's car en route from Korea Pul to Chhatta Rail Crossing. The collision with the e-rickshaw sparked the confrontation that ultimately led to Shakib's untimely death. 

Police has launched a probe after filling a murder case and a manhunt is underway to apprehend the perpetrators who fled the scene following the shooting.