New Delhi: Popular comedian and politician Raju Srivastava suffered a heart attack while exercising in the gym on Wednesday (Aug 10) and had to be taken straight to the hospital. According to reports, he was running on the treadmill, when he had severe pain in his chest and he fell down. After this he was immediately rushed to AIIMS, where his condition was said to be stable. Raju Srivastava's age is around 58. 


An even more disturbing is the case in Kolkata, where 19-year-old Ritika Das lost her life while exercising in the gym. She did not have any kind of heart ailments as well.

In today's DNA Zee News' Rohit Ranjan analyses how technology has come to dominate our fitness routines and how every person's body is different and so it needs different amounts of exercise.


In recent times, we have started relying on smart watches and smart phones to keep ourselves fit. If we are not able to meet the goal of walking 10 km, then we get pressurised and push ourselves even when our body doesn't allow it. We forget that everyone's body is different which is why the level of exercise is also different for everyone. 

According to doctors, now people of 18 to 20 years of age also getting heart attacks. According to the Cardiology Society of India, 4 people in the age group of 35 to 50 years get heart attack every minute in India and 25 percent of the people who die of heart attack in India are below 35 years of age. Earlier heart attack was considered to be a disease of older people but now youth are also becoming victims of it.

Heart attacks are possible in young people who do not do any kind of exercise and whose routine does not include physical activities. But those who do excess exercise and consume steroids in a hurry to give a special shape to the body can also get heart attack. This may be true for those who do High Intensity exercises.

Use of steriods also can be harmful. According to a research by the Associated Asia Research Foundation, about 3 million gym-going people in India use steroids. Out of which 73 percent are between 16 and 35 years of age. That is, such people do not achieve fitness by hard work, but they deliver it to their body through injection.