In a huge blunder, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday read out parts from the previous budget instead of Budget 2023-24. This goof-up led to an uproar by the Opposition in the House and they stormed into the well. Although Speaker C P Joshi asked them to maintain order, the Opposition continued its protest, leading to the House being adjourned for half an hour. ThE BJP alleged that the budget has been leaked... "Chief Minister Gehlot has brought shame to democracy by reading the old budget. The opposition also demanded an apology from the chief minister.


In today's DNA, Zee News', Rohit Ranjan analysed the huge blunder by Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot during buget 2023-24 presentation.

In fact, when the officers sitting in the officers' room in the House came to know that the Chief Minister was reading the old budget, he came to the House with a copy of the new budget. Mahesh Joshi got up from the seat for the same.

Gehlot, however, clarified by saying, "You (Opposition) can point out only if there`s a difference b/w what`s written in the budget in my hand and its copies were given to the House members. If a page was added to my budget copy by mistake, then how does the matter of leaking of budget arise?"

But why is the budget kept so confidential? In fact, the tradition of keeping the budget confidential is continuing from the British Raj and it has been adopted even after independence.

Experts say that knowing about the budget in advance can lead to hoarding and tax evasion.

If the schemes proposed in the budget are detected before, then there can be an opportunity to earn profiteering in the stock market.

Watch today's DNA for a detailed analysis.