Two latest updates related to Maharashtra political crisis are that Sharad Pawar went to Matoshree and met CM Uddhav Thackeray. This meeting assumes significance as Sanjay Raut had said yesterday that if the rebel MLAs return to Mumbai, then Shiv Sena can break its alliance with Congress and NCP. The second update is that Eknath Shinde has left for Delhi from Guwahati and he may meet senior BJP leaders. BJP has offered Eknath Shinde five ministerial posts in the state government and two ministerial posts in the central government. On the other hand, Uddhav Thackeray held an important meeting with the district level leaders of Shiv Sena in which some councillors of BMC also participated.


Zee News Editor-in-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary analyses the the ongoing political crisis in Maharashtra. No party is run by MLAs alone. Rather, there are MPs, there are councillors and office bearers. Uddhav Thackeray is trying to tell that even though he now has only 12 MLAs out of 55, the party organization and all the senior leaders and workers are with him. However, we have come to know that senior leaders of 12 districts of the state did not attend this meeting.

In this meeting, Uddhav Thackeray said two more big things. The first is that he is not greedy for power, so he first left the Chief Minister's residence after this political development. He also said that the Thackeray family gave full respect to Eknath Shinde and made his son an MP, but in spite of this, they are rebelling today.

Meanwhile, there is a big news that after 12 MLAs whose Legislative Assembly membership was cancelled by the Deputy Speaker of Maharashtra, now the names of four more rebel MLAs have been included in it. Now Uddhav Thackeray is demanding the disqualification of 16 Shiv Sena MLAs.