New Delhi: Radical Islamists around the world are celebrating the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Terror groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba who operate against India have got a major boost. This is certainly a cause for concern for India.


Zee News Editor-in-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary on Monday (August 23) discussed how certain terrorist outfits celebrating the Taliban’s victory in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir can pose a future threat to India.

The first attempt to make Kashmir like Afghanistan was made in the year 1947 when 50,000 tribals attacked Kashmir and also occupied half of it, which we know as Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Today, the terrorists of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed celebrated the Taliban’s victory in PoK. These terrorists took out rallies after their return to PoK from Afghanistan and welcomed each other with garlands. All this happened at a distance of only 80 to 90 kilometers from Srinagar.

These terrorists were in Afghanistan for the past month. After coming back, they now want to establish a rule like the Taliban in PoK. For this, these terrorists are threatening the people there and asking them to follow Sharia laws.

Earlier this month, former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had said that about 10,000 terrorists from Pakistan had entered Afghanistan. The information turned out to be absolutely correct.

It is unfortunate that at a time when the airports and borders have been closed for the common people of Afghanistan, these terrorists are free to move anywhere.

A strengthened Taliban could mean the direct entry of terrorists into Kashmir through PoK. The border of Badakhshan province of Afghanistan is just 400 km away from the border of Jammu and Kashmir.

If Pakistan takes the help of the Taliban in increasing terrorist activities in Kashmir, then the latter would have little difficulty in sending their terrorists to Kashmir or supplying arms. Pakistan had done this before when the Taliban formed their government in Afghanistan 25 years ago.

Pakistan's dream is that what is happening in PoK will happen in Kashmir one day. These terrorists, who came after learning cruelty from the Taliban, are now only a few kilometers away from the border of India and they also have the support of Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, who had praised the Taliban a few days ago saying that the Taliban broke the shackles of slavery in Afghanistan.

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has also compared Kashmir with Afghanistan, saying that if the people of Kashmir lose patience, no one will be able to stop them. She warned the Indian government to take lessons from the Taliban's occupation of Afghanistan.

These are certainly worrying development happening very close to Indian borders. India will have to be prepared for any future threat.

Read more about Taliban here: Taliban's History

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