Addressing a joint press conference along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he had a fantastic two-day tour of India and became the first Conservative Prime Minister who visited Gujarat on the invitation of his 'Khas Dost' which is the home of half of all British Indians. 


Zee News Editor-In-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary on Thursday analysed India’s foreign policy and its balancing act.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday thanked India for a celebrity-like treatment and said that he felt like Sachin Tendulkar and Amitabh Bachchan after receiving a grand welcome and hoarding in his honour.  It is a big deal for the Prime Minister of a country that kept India as its slave for 200 years.

It is a great achievement for India that Prime Minister Modi was called a ‘special friend’ by Johnson. India does not stand with NATO countries on the issue of Ukraine. Still, Johnson also said that today the relations between India and Britain are the strongest. And this is the biggest achievement of India's foreign policy.

At present, the world is divided into two factions. On one side there is Russia. And on the other side there are the USA and other western countries. The best thing is that PM Modi is a close friend of the leaders of all these countries.

PM Modi is a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This shows that at a time when there is an atmosphere of uncertainty in the whole world, India's foreign policy has managed to strike a balance between all these countries.


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