Union minister and BJP's central observer Bhupender Yadav said the name of Tripura's next Chief Minister will be announced by 8pm on Saturday. But what is the reaction of Trinamool Congress to the news of Tripura Chief Minister's resignation? A tweet to this effect was posted from the party's Tripura outfit's official Twitter account. It reads, "Good-bye. The Chief Minister of Tripura was relieved of the uncomfortable situation. Who has drowned thousands of people in Tripura. He has done a lot of damage. He had done so much damage that even his top bosses could not tolerate his incompetence. In fact, BJP workers have been shaken by the Trinamool's success in Tripura. Change will happen." 


Trinamool Congress youth president Sayani Ghosh also wrote, "Khela Hobe. The game will be played in Tripura." 

Biplab Kumar Deb has resigns as Chief Minister of Tripura few hours ago. He has already submitted his resignation letter to the governor. Speculation has begun as to why the resignation took place in the year of the assembly polls. Meanwhile, after resigning from the post of chief minister, Biplab Dev has opened his mouth. He told the media, "I resigned at the behest of the top leadership. If there is an organization, there will be a government. I made this decision to work in the organization.