In a controversial development, Samajwadi Party MLA from Kairana in Uttar Pradesh, Nahid Hasan, has been caught on camera urging the Muslims living in the area to boycott the shopkeepers who are BJP supporters and not buy anything from them. Hasan can be heard saying in the video that Muslims buy materials from these shops and that's how these people loyal to the BJP are surviving.


In the video, which has now gone viral, Hasan can be seen urging Muslims in Kairana and in nearby villages to stop buying anything from BJP supporters for few days. "For ten days, one month. Go elsewhere, to other villages but for solidarity with your brothers, face some hardships. But boycott these BJP people in the market. Only then things will improve. Their homes run because we buy things from them. And because of that, we are suffering,” he said.

It is to be noted that Kairana is a communally sensitive area and the place was in news few years ago after reports surfaced that Hindus were leaving Kairana due to the fear of Muslims. The current population of Muslims in Kairana is believed to be above 60%. According to the 2001 census, the Hindu population in Kairana was 52%, while the rest were Muslims.