New Delhi: According to police, a 20-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl. According to police, the accused is Suraj, a Madhya Pradesh native who works as a tenant in Wazirabad village. He works for a private company here. Suraj allegedly lured the girl, who lived in his neighbourhood, to a nearby park on Tuesday evening. The accused assaulted the girl sexually. He ran away as soon as the girl's family arrived. Suraj was arrested at the Sector 56 police station after the girl's father filed a complaint under Section 8 of the POCSO Act. "We are checking the facts. Action will be taken in accordance with the law "Sub-Inspector Manjusha stated.


On October 22, A 40-year-old woman from Delhi was arrested, two days after police arrested three of her accomplices for cheating and forgery. She accused these five men of abducting and gang-raping her. She is involved in a property dispute with the five men. Nipun Agarwal, Superintendent of Police (City-I), Ghaziabad, stated, "Our officers apprehended the woman. She was brought before a magistrate, who sentenced her to 14 days in judicial remand." On Thursday, the woman's partners—Azad, Afzal, and Gaurav—were apprehended.

Also Read: Karnataka: Hindu man forcefully converted to Islam, 5 arrested

(With agencies' inputs)