It was a troublesome and embarrassing situation for Rohit Rajbhar of Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh, who recently went to Mumbai to visit his relatives staying in Kurla. His mobile slipped from his hand while he was talking inside a washroom, and fell directly inside a commode.


As the mobile phone was an expensive one, Rohit entered his hand inside the commode to take it out, but a ‘kadaa’ he was wearing got stuck. Despite repeated attempts, he failed to take his hand out. He then called out to his relatives for help, who rushed to the washroom.

Initially they failed to realise as to what had happened, hence they broke the door open to find Rohit’s hand stuck inside the commode. They tried to help him but could not succeed.

Amid the commotion, people living in the neighbourhood also rushed to the spot and tried to help Rohit. However, when all attempts failed, the fire brigade department was approached. Fire brigade officials later reached the spot and broke the commode.

The man’s hand remained stuck in the commode for more than five hours.