New Delhi: India is expected to receive very good distribution of rainfall this Monsson season, India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced on Tuesday.


Addressing a press conference, IMD Director Gen KG Ramesh said the nation looks likely to receive higher monsoon rainfall than previously forecast as concern over the El Nino weather condition has eased

Givng details about the Monsson rains, the IMD Director said rainfall over the country as a whole for the 2017 southwest monsoon season (June - September) is most likely to be normal 96 percent to 104 percent of Long Period Average (LPA).

Quantitatively, monsoon season rainfall for the country as a whole is likely to be 98 percent of the LPA with a model error of ±4 percent.

Season (June-September) Rainfall over Broad Geographical Regions

The season rainfall is likely to be 96 percent of LPA over North-West India, 100 percent of LPA over Central India, 99 percent of LPA over South Peninsula, and 96 percent of LPA over North- East India all with a model error of ± 8 percent.

Monthly (July and August) Rainfall over the country as a whole

The rainfall over the country as a whole is likely to be 96 percent of its LPA during July and 99 percent of LPA during August both with a model error of ± 9 percent.

The IMD chief confirmed that Monsoon is expected to reach Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal by June 13-14.

Monsoon is likely to reach Goa by June 8, and the financial capital Mumbai by June 13-14.

Monsoon rains will hit the national capital by month-end.

The southwest monsoon has arrived over Kerala and parts of northeastern states.