New Delhi: After External Affairs Minister (EAM) Sushma Swaraj came down heavily on Pakistan over terrorism, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Saturday said that India gave priority to politics over peace. He added that it also lost the opportunity to have a dialogue on various issues at the United Nations General Assembly.


Slamming India's attitude at the ​General Debate, he said, "The meeting between India and Pakistan could have been a good opportunity to have a dialogue on various issues. But due to their attitude, the Indian government lost this opportunity for the third time. They gave priority to politics over peace."

Earlier on Saturday, Sushma Swaraj lashed out at the neighbouring country and said that its commitment to terrorism as an instrument of official policy has not abated one bit. Her statement came while she was addressing the General Debate of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. 

Describing terrorism as an 'existential threat' to humanity, Swaraj said that even as the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York met their fate, the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attack Hafiz Saeed still roams the streets of Pakistan with impunity.

She further added that the demon of terrorism now stalks the world, at a faster pace somewhere, a slower pace elsewhere, but life-threatening everywhere. 

The veteran Indian leader told the world leaders at the General Assembly that the most startling evidence of Pakistan's duplicity was the fact that Osama Bin Laden, the architect and ideologue of 9/11 terror attack was given safe haven in the country.

(With inputs from agencies)