The Union Health Ministry on Wednesday (April 15) said that the districts across the country have been categorised in three zones to identify the coronavirus COVID-19 hotspots. The districts have been divided into Red Zone, Orange Zone and Green Zone based on the occurrence of COVID-19 cases in each of them in order to efficiently manage the fight against coronavirus pandemic.


During his last address to the nation on Tuesday (April 13) when Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the extension of nationwide lockdown till May 3, the prime minister had said some areas will get relaxation from the lockdown after April 20 if no new positive cases will come up in those areas during the said period.

What is a Red Zone

A total of 170 districts across India are included in Red Zone. These districts have recorded maximum number of coronavirus positive cases and this is the reason why these areas are declared as coronavirus hotspots. 

In Red Zone areas, a door-to-door screening is conducted to search the suspected patients and all the affected areas of the district are completely sealed, stopping all kind of movements in the sealed areas. Some buffer zones are also created near the sealed area but emergency movements are allowed in buffer zones. People showing coronavirus infection symptoms like cough and fever are tested for COVID-19. 

What is a Orange Zone

As per the Centre, Orange Zone is that area which has neither the coronavirus cluster nor it has witnessed the outbreak of deadly disease. Though the Orange Zone is completely free from coronavirus cases but the number of cases in this area is in the range of one or two. The lockdown restrictions in Orange Zone are not as strict as the Green Zone.

What is a Green Zone

The Green Zone includes those areas which have not recorded even a single case of coronavirus. The Centre is making several efforts to ensure that the areas which are currently in Green Zone remain in the same zone in the coming weeks. It is to be noted that 400 out of 736 districts in the country have reported coronavirus positive cases.

When does a Red Zone converts into Orange Zone and Green Zone?

A Red Zone district is categorised as Orange Zone when no new case is recorded in the district for 14 days. Likewise a Orange Zone district is categorised as Green Zone when no new COVID-19 case is reported from the district in 14 days. It means that a Red Zone will need at least 28 days to convert into a Green Zone.

It is expected that the districts which are currently in Green Zone could get relaxations from lockdown if no case gets reported from these districts till April 20. But these relaxations will be based on some tough conditions and local administration will have to play an important role in this regard. Sources told Zee News that the Centre is working in tandem with respective state governments in order to monitor the situation in the Green Zones across the country.