In a strong bid to end open defecation and littering, Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi said that free supply of rice would be stopped to villages which are unable to prove they are indeed open defecation free and free of garbage.


Bedi took to Twitter to announce that the local administration would now be required to provide her with a certificate proving that villages are free from open defacation and garbage before free supply of rice is provided. She has also reportedly given a four-week ultimatum till May 31.

Stating that free rice reaches to more than half the population in the Union Territory, Bedi said that villages across Puducherry must prove that open defacation has ended and that the villages are 'free of strewn garbage and plastic.'



While there were few who appreciated her efforts to clean Puducherry villages, many who replied to her tweet were extremely critical. "Clubbing the two unwise. Hygiene and hunger cannot go together," wrote a netizen. "Can't afford rice but will now have to build toilet? Where is the logic in that?" wrote another.

Earlier in the day, PTI reported that Bedi said she would urge the Centre to ensure full funding for centrally sponsored schemes in Puducherry as is the case with other Union Territories.