New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Wednesday (July 6, 2022) met Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav at a Patna hospital and inquired about his health. The Janata Dal (United) president wished Lalu, who fractured his right shoulder after suffering a fall at his house on Sunday, a speedy recovery.


"Met RJD chief Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav ji at Paras Hospital in Patna and inquired about his health. Wishing Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav ji a speedy recovery," Nitish wrote on Twitter and shared pictures with former Bihar CM.

Lalu fell down the stairs of his house at 10 Circular Road in Patna on Sunday and had to be rushed to a city hospital. The condition of the 74-year-old is stated to be stable.

PM Narendra Modi speaks to Tejashwi, enquires about Lalu Yadav's health

Earlier on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke to Tejashwi Yadav, Lalu's younger son, and enquired about the health of the RJD supremo. The PM wished a speedy recovery to the former union minister.

Congress national president Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi have also expressed concern about his health and have wished him a speedy recovery.

Lalu Yadav likely to be shifted to Delhi 

Meanwhile, there are reports that Lalu Yadav will be shifted to Delhi as his health is not showing any significant improvement. According to news agency IANS, preparations for the same have already started and an air ambulance is expected to reach Patna airport Wednesday evening. 

Lalu Yadav's wife Rabri Devi, sons Tejashwi Yadav, Tej Pratap Yadav and daughter Misa Bharti are likely to accompany him in the air ambulance.