India has strongly reacted to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's raking up Kashmir issue during his United Nations General Assembly speech. 


Indian envoy to United Nations, T. S. Tirumurti  said, "We have seen remarks by President of Turkey on Indian UT  of Jammu & Kashmir. They constitute gross interference in India’s internal affairs and are completely unacceptable. Turkey should learn to respect the sovereignty of other nations and reflect on its own policies more deeply."

Turkish President had said that "Kashmir is still a burning issue and steps taken following the abolition of the special status of Jammu-Kashmir further complicated the problem". He called for "solving the issue within the framework of  the United Nations resolutions".

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This is not for the first time Turkish President Erdogan has raised Kashmir issue at international forum. He mentioned it during his last year's UNGA speech and later during his visit to Pakistan while addressing the Pakistani Parliament.

Turkey and Pakistan have emerged as close allies with Ankara supporting Islamabad at multiple levels including getting at FATF, preventing it from blacklisting despite support to terror groups.