Leading Chinese military analysts have warned the United States against inclusion of Taiwan into the proposed Theatre Missile Defence (TMD) system saying that it would undermine Sino-US relations and may even trigger a conflict, official ‘Chinese Daily’ said on Wednesday. Describing Taiwan's entry into the proposed TMD anti missile system in East Asia as a paramilitary alliance or a defacto military alliance with the US, an expert with a top Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Think-Tank, Luo Yuan said that it would clearly affect Sino-US relations. “There is no reason for military conflict between China and the US except on the question of Taiwan,” Luo, director of the PLA’s academy of military sciences was quoted by 'China Daily.' Criticising the US move, another leading Chinese military expert, Song Xuefeng, also with the academy said that it would mean that Washington could pitch a part of China against China. China views Taiwan as a rebel province that must be reunified with the mainland under Beijing's terms.

Taiwan's existence largely depends on the diplomatic and military support of the US, which is bound to protect Taiwan under law. Bureau Report