Mahdi Pourzaferani is an entrepreneur, professional blockchain developer and programmer from the UK. He is the founder of  IT security company FiveM. His journey started in 2008 as an expert in the field of security and infiltration. Right now he is working as Security Manager at Optic Gaming and Supervisor at EA sports. He joined the company at other positions but with his dedication towards work he rose to these positions. He wants to inspire the generation through his journey to be a self-made programmer.


In today's world where we store our day to day data as well as important data on computers network security is must as we can't afford to lose any of it. Mahdi is working towards the same thing. He is working to build a strong network security for every organisation.

It was Mahdi's programming skills that led it to the improvement of the world's most well know games. He is right now focusing on creating and delivering new ways to deal with network security. Being the incharge of security in two big organisations  Optic Gaming and Supervisorat EA sports gave him the confidence and shaped his career in a new way. That was the time this idea struck his mind to provide much needed network security services to the organisation of all types.

Mahdi said it was almost a decade back that they didn't have enough resources or tools to provide the network with their own effective defense security and now he is developing them. Although it just takes a moment of weakness from any one of many users to endanger the entire network. Most of the users take care but sometimes one impatient moment makes everyone suffer.

Needless to say it is for our own safety to protect the network from any kind of virus, threats,data losses by building a strong network security.



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