New Delhi: YouTuber Manish Kashyap joined the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) on Thursday in the presence of Manoj Tiwari and Anil Baluni at the party’s New Delhi office. The decision of the independent leader from Bihar to join the BJP comes amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Kashyap had previously been imprisoned in connection with a controversial 'fake video' case, purportedly showing Bihar migrant workers being assaulted in Tamil Nadu. 


After joining the BJP, Kashyap told ANI, "We came from Bihar with Manoj Tiwari yesterday. I could be released from jail only due to them, and the bad days of my life ended. So, I joined the BJP.” He added that his goal is to strengthen Bihar; he said, “The Lalu family looted and destroyed Bihar. So, I joined the BJP. Together with the BJP, I will strengthen Bihar. Allegations were levelled against me, but the Patna Court not only granted me bail but also acquitted me." 

Political Journey Of Manish Kashyap 

Manish Kashyap, a YouTuber from Majhaulia Block in the West Champaran district of Bihar, joined the Bhartiya Janta Party on Thursday. Kashyap, belonging to the Bhoomihar caste, had previous affiliations with a Hindu organisation before becoming involved with a student organisation. During his time with the student organisation, he has multiple cases against him, including one for allegedly leading an attack on students at Satyawariya College, in which he was arrested and later imprisoned. 

Kashyap faced legal issues throughout his political journey. His nomination for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections was cancelled, and he later contested as an independent candidate and faced a defeat from the Chanpatia Vidhan Sabha constituency in the Bihar Legislative Assembly elections in 2020. He is also involved in various cases in Bettiah. 

Tamil Nadu Fake Video Case 

Kashyap operated a YouTube news channel, 'Sach Tak' (formerly known as), and was implicated in a viral fake video case involving Bihar labourers in Tamil Nadu. 

The video shared by Manish Kashyap on the microblogging platform depicted alleged Bihar migrant workers with band-aids on their faces recounting an incident where they claimed to have been attacked before returning home. The video was later flagged as fake by the Tamil Nadu Police.

Currently, Kashyap is out on bail from Madurai jail, where he was held in connection with the aforementioned fake video case. However, he is currently out on bail.