New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janta Party on Wednesday demanded Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's resignation in connection with liquor scam case. BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia alleged that the Delhi CM is the kingpin of the scam and it took place under Kejriwal's instructions. "As two of the members of GoM have already resigned, and you happen to be the kingpin of the decision, I want to ask when are you going to resign, Mr. Kejriwal?" Bhatia said while addressing a presser here. Senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia on Tuesday resigned as Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi amid the allegations of corruption in the ongoing Liquor Scam Case. Along with Sisodia, Health Minister Satyendar Jain has also quit from his post. Jain is lodged in jail in a separate corruption case. 


Bhatia also targeted Kejriwal over Sisodia's resignation letter, saying that it is undated which raises a lot of questions.

"The resignation letter of Manish Sisodia raises very pertinent questions as it does not have a date. Is it because the kingpin of the excise policy scam Arvind Kejriwal has yet again played with the Constitution. The surfacing of this undated letter reveals a lot about their practices," he said.

Kejriwal heads the Cabinet and council of ministers and "you are in a position to influence the ongoing investigation, in which your involvement is writ large", the BJP spokesperson said.

Bhatia also demanded that Kailash Gahlot should also resign as minister as he was part of the group of ministers of the Delhi government that approved the liquor policy.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Supreme Court refused to hear Manish Sisodia's bail plea, who is in CBI custody, in connection with the excise policy case, news agency PTI reported. The Aam Aadmi Party will now move to Delhi HC over Sisodia's arrest, news agency ANI reported.

The CBI on Sunday evening arrested Sisodia in connection with alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped liquor policy for 2021-22.