Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday visited the Buddh International Circuit (BIC) in Greater Noida, his home state. He attended the maiden MotoGP Bharat bike racing and said that Uttar Pradesh has a lot of potential for sports activities. He further said that the racing event will bring global automobile investments in the state of UP, which he is developing as an investment hub in India. CM Yogi was addressing the Business Conclave ahead of the main race of MotoGP.


Representatives of several major domestic and multinational companies participated, with UP government's MSME Minister Rakesh Sachan and Industrial, Exports Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta in attendance. Yogi said that both the state government as well as the Centre are making all possible efforts to promote this sector.

The chief minister said he has been informed that more than one lakh tickets have been sold for the high-pulsating motorcycle race's maiden show in India being held at the Buddh International Circuit (BIC). "More than 275 national and international brands are associated with the MotoGP event which include BMW, Tissot, Michelin, RedBull, Shell, DHL, Oakley, Amazon, Petronas, etc. This race also provides an unparalleled opportunity for promotion of these brands and for dialogue with them," Adityanath said.

"The MotoGP race is a major attraction for global automobile industry. Organising this event in UP will help explore the potential in increasing investments in the state and in India. Our government will work with full commitment to explore these opportunities. On the other hand, for the development of sports and sportspersons we will get full support from the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi," the CM said.

"The Buddh International Circuit was developed by the state government in 2011. It was known as the host venue for Formula One Grand Prix. With the MotoGP event, the immense potential of Uttar Pradesh has been presented to you through a short film (shown to participants earlier in the day)," Adityanath said. He said the UP government is working with the Centre to develop sports facilities like stadiums and mini-stadiums in every district of the state.

"Uttar Pradesh is a state of opportunities. There is good infrastructure in terms of connectivity via rail, road and waterways. There is a good opportunity in logistics. The region where this MotoGP event is being held falls in the sector where lies the junction of two key freight corridors – the Eastern and the Western Freight Corridors," he said.