Mumbai Police is well-known for its alertness on Twitter and now the Mumbai Police has arrested a man after receiving a "Please reach out to this girl" tweet from a user.


Mumbai Police arrested an auto rickshaw driver on Monday (March 2) after they came to know about a molestation incident that happened with a girl who was traveling in that auto on her way to college.

A Twitter user on February 29 had mentioned the Twitter handle of Mumbai Police and asked them to help a girl who had shared her story on Instagram. Mumbai Police Twitter replied with, "Please share your contact details on DM." and acted swiftly.

The auto-driver was arrested after further investigation.

Mumbai Police then tweeted, "A tweet is all it took for Goregaon police to swing into action. An auto-rickshaw driver seen sexually harassing a college student in a video she shot, is now under arrest & awaits a much-deserved ride on the course of law."



The newly-appointed Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Parambir Singh, who on the joining day had said to ensure women's safety in the city also tweeted about the incident and said, "Incidents like these need to be dealt with strictly & swiftly and that’s how we will act. I assure you that women's safety & security is one of Mumbai Police's topmost priorities. I appeal all Mumbaikars to speak up & report to us, for ensuring the city is safe for all its citizens."