In what appears ironical, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu, who offered a solution to the unprecedented power crisis in Punjab on Friday (July 2), allegedly owes over Rs 8.67 lakh in pending electricity bills, which has not been paid for eight months, according to sources."I'm not aware of the issue. Sub Divisional Officers must have known. No special relaxation was given to him. We will investigate the issue," said Chief Engineer, Power Department, Amritsar.


Earlier on Friday, Sidhu had attacked Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh and said that the state government would not have to go for power cuts "if we act in the right direction". In a series of tweets, Sidhu said that the Punjab Vidhan Sabha can bring in new legislation to amend the Power Purchase Agreements signed by the Badal government which are responsible for the high electricity rates in the state. The Congress leader said that Punjab is buying power at an average cost of Rs 4.54 per unit, while the national average is Rs 3.85 per unit and Chandigarh is paying Rs 3.44 per unit. 

Sidhu is yet to respond to the issue.

Sidhu and the Punjab Chief Minister have been at loggerheads for quite some time. Patry sources on Thursday said that Congress is keen to put its house in order in the state before the Assembly elections next year and a series of meetings have been held over the past few weeks to resolve factionalism and other problems. 

(with ANI inputs)

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