Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that the BJP is into politics for 'Rashtra Niti' and not for 'Rajniti'. Addressing the BJP leaders at the party's National Convention, Prime Minister Modi said that his government worked for welfare of all sections of the society which were ignored during previous governments. PM Modi said that he is asking for a third term not to enjoy power but to strengthen the country and its people. PM Modi said that people keep telling him that he has achieved so much, and has fulfilled all major promises, and ask why is he still working so much? 


"Just like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj continued his mission after taking the reign in his hand and I have taken an inspiration from him. I am not the person who lives for his own joy and prosperity. I am not asking the third term of the BJP government for enjoying power. I am a person who is on a misison for his country," said PM Modi.

Attacking the dynasty politics, PM Modi further added, "Had I been concerned only for my house, I would not have built houses for crores of poor people. I am living and fighting for the future of poor children. The dreams of crores of women, poor and youth are Modi's resolve. And to fulfil this resolve, we all are serving the country unitedly"

PM Modi said that the NDA government showed courage to solve the works that had been pending for decades and by building Ram temple in Ayodhya, the government ended the wait of 5 centuries.

".We ensured the death penalty for crimes like rape. To deal with it quickly, special arrangements were also made. I am the first Prime Minister who raised the issue of toilets from Red Fort...I am proud that in the last 10 years, BJP government has taken many steps to make the lives of women in the country easier," said PM Modi. The BJP leader said that even opposition leaders are raising slogans of 'NDA sarkar 400 paar'. "To take NDA to 400, BJP will have to cross the mark of 370 (seats)," said PM Modi.