Chennai: The DMK government has completed a year and to mark the occasion, Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin made several announcements. From students' welfare to focusing on public grievance redressal schemes, the Stalin government made big promises. The Tamil Nadu chief minister made 5 announcements in Assembly on completion of one year of DMK government - Breakfast scheme for government school students from standard 1-5, Schools of excellence, Medical check-up of school students, PHC (Public health centre) -like centres in urban areas and 'CM in your constituency scheme' in all constituencies, news agency ANI reported. A public grievance redressal scheme, the ‘CM-in-your-constituency’ scheme will now be expanded across all the constituencies of Tamil Nadu.


Chief Minister Stalin also paid floral tribute to former CM M. Karunanidhi and DMK founder-former CM CN Annadurai at their memorial in Marina Beach, Chennai.


On his way to Karunanidhi memorial and Anna Memorial, Stalin briefly travelled in a government bus to inspect the condition of the buses. He spoke with the passengers and conductor on one year of his government and bus facilities. Check out:


The DMK won the Assembly polls last year in coalition with the Congress and ousted the rival party, AIDMK, which was in power over several years. 

(With ANI inputs)