In a new development, a Pakistan helicopter was spotted hovering a day before Border Security Force (BSF) head constable Narinder Singh was brutally killed by Pakistani troopers, according to BSF forces on Thursday. The helicopter spotted close to the border of both the countries, stayed in the air for sometime before heading back. On Thursday, the BSF accused the Pakistan Rangers of killing an Indian soldier and warned that only Pakistan will be responsible for any consequence that follows.


During a call when the BSF raised the topic of Singh's death, Pakistan outrightly refused that they fired any shot and on the contrary blamed the BSF of killing its own soldier.

On Tuesday, on the day of Singh's death, Home Minister Rajnath Singh was on a Jammu tour for the inauguration of Smart Fencing. A day earlier, the BSF had warned Pakistan Rangers that there should be no firing on the border. However, the intelligence agencies had alerted the BSF that there was some suspicious movement in the uniforms of the Pakistan Rangers across the international border.

A total of eight BSF soldiers had to cross the border on Tuesday to cut some grass and the BSF had informed Pakistan Rangers about it to avoid any untoward incident of confusion leading to a shooting. However, as soon as the soldiers reached the Pakistan side the Pakistan soldiers started shooting.

When the BSF found Narinder Singh was missing they called Pakistan soldiers who received the call after the third attempt. They refused that they opened any firing or that they had kidnapped the BSF jawan.

Following this, the BSF said they would want to conduct a search operation for the missing soldier and asked Pakistan not to initiate any firing. After searching for a long time the BSF found the body.

The BSF jawan was hacked to death after his throat was slit by the Pakistani forces along the International Border (IB) near Jammu. After the ''brutal'' and "unprecedented" incident, which took place in the Ramgarh sector, the security forces have issued a "high alert" across the entire IB and the Line of Control (LoC).