New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a spiritual journey on Saturday, as he visited the Lord Ramanathaswamy temple in Rameshwaram and took a holy dip at the ‘Angi theerth’ beach. Modi, who wore a rudraksha-mala, offered prayers at the Ramanathaswamy shrine, an ancient Shiva temple in Tamil Nadu. He received traditional honours from priests and joined in the ‘Bhajans’ sung in the shrine.


The Shiva temple, located in the Rameswaram island of Tamil Nadu’s Ramanathapuram district, has a link to the Ramayana, as the Shiva linga here was consecrated by Shri Ram. Lord Ram and Sita Devi also worshipped here.


Before arriving here by an Air Force chopper, Modi also visited the Sri Ranganathaswamy temple in Tiruchirappalli district, where he paid his respects to Lord Vishnu. He was greeted by BJP workers and the local people at both the places.