New Delhi: As India woke to the news of violence and riots at the US Capitol where members of Congress were about to vote to certify President-elect Joe Biden, sitting President Donald Trump's supporters went on a rampage at the Capitol Hill laying siege to the building.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter to denounce the riots at Capitol Hill. He wrote,"Distressed to see news about rioting and violence in Washington DC. Orderly and peaceful transfer of power must continue. The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests."

The riot-like scenes were witnessed after Trump supporters responded to his call to protest against the November 3, 2020 presidential election loss. Hundreds of his supporters stormed the Capitol Hill while it was in session and interrupted the lawmakers. 

Meanwhile, one woman protester has reportedly been shot and killed, a spokeswoman for the Washington police department confirmed. 

Several world leaders reacted to the unprecedented scenes, calling international shocking and disgraceful.