New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday (January 2, 2023) alleged that one of the accused -- Manoj Mittal -- in the Delhi car accident case is a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader. Speaking at a press conference, AAP's Saurabh Bhardwaj said that a hoarding bearing Mittal's picture hangs outside the local police station where he and his other friends are currently lodged. His remarks came after a 20-year-old woman on a scooty was hit by a car and dragged for around four kilometres in outer Delhi's Sultanpuri on Sunday. Five men travelling in the Maruti Baleno car in the capital's Kanjhawala area have been arrested in connection with the incident.


"Police are trying to cover up the matter because one of the culprits is a BJP member. The DCP is covering up the case saying the music in the car was so loud that the perpetrators didn't notice a girl was stuck in their car," Bhardwaj said.

He said that the woman who was dragged under the car of the accused was found naked and demanded that the police conduct an investigation into whether she was raped too.

Bhardwaj also shared a picture of the hoarding on his official Twitter account.

"How is it possible that the girl's clothes were missing when her body was recovered? There should be an investigation into this matter," Bhardwaj alleged.

The AAP leader also said that Delhi LG VK Saxena should be sacked immediately.

Delhi BJP media cell head Harish Khurana, however, said that the police had already arrested the accused, and the guilty should be given the strictest punishment regardless of the party they belong to.

Police said that a case under IPC sections 279 (rash driving) and 304-A (causing death by negligence) has been registered against the accused Manoj Mittal, Deepak Khanna, Amit Khanna, Krishan and Mithun.

Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that he has spoken to LG Saxena about the Kanjhawala incident.

"Requested him to take exemplary action against culprits, strictest sections of IPC should be slapped against them. No leniency should be showed even if they have high political connections," the AAP supremo added.