Panaji: A porn clip "accidentally" posted on the Goa Congress' official WhatsApp media group on Saturday, allegedly by a former party office-bearer and a photo-journalist, led to much embarrassment for the opposition party.


Goa Congress chief spokesperson Sunil Kawthankar later apologised to the media for the gaffe and removed WhatsApp member and alleged culprit Barnabe Sapeco from the group.

WhatsApp group is an official channel of the Goa Congress for media communication and is used to send out press statements and press conference invites to journalists.

The group has over 80 journalists and Congress' chief spokesperson Kawthankar as members.

"It is a very serious issue. The erring member has been removed from the group. As an admin, I apologise to all members for this act of one of the members in the group. Such irresponsible act is highly objectionable and cannot be tolerated," Kawthankar said.

Kawthankar also said that Sapeco was added to the WhatsApp group in the capacity of a photo-journalist.

Sapeco, a former state Congress general secretary, said: "It happened by accident. It was sent to me by someone. It must have been posted on the WhatsApp group accidentally. I apologise for the inconvenience."