Prerna Singh, a determined 20-year-old from Kota in Rajasthan, exemplified the power of focus amidst difficulties. After the untimely demise of her father who was an auto driver, she received another shock when the bank sent a notice either to repay the home loan or vacate the home. The responsibility of the family fell on the shoulder of Prerna and her mother. Besides this, they had to find a way out of the Rs 27 lakh loan. However, Prerna did not let these odds alter the path of her career. 


Today, Prerna's eyes gleam with happiness as she achieved success in NEET. However, she vividly recalls the day when she had to contemplate even having a single meal after her father's demise. Her family once subsisted on roti and chutney, but amid these circumstances, Prerna remained steadfast in her pursuit. She studied tirelessly on an empty stomach, ultimately triumphing over NEET. 

Residing in Mahavir Nagar, Kota, Prerna has secured an impressive 686 marks in NEET UG which is enough to get her admission to a Government Medical College.

According to reports, when Prerna was studying in class X (2018), her father died due to cancer. Their single source of income fell like a house of cards. The death of the earning member threw the family into deep shock. Their financial condition was not good. Then, her mother started working and looked after the family. However, corona brought another financial crisis for the family. During this period, the family took support from their relatives. Her mother arranged money for her NEET coaching. Prerna used to study 12 hours besides coaching time. 

Prerna's mother took a loan of about Rs 2 lakhs for her children's studies. They are also facing a case from the bank which granted them a home loan. All four siblings have proved their merit with their hard work. Prerna's eldest sister Anamika is pursuing B.Ed, her brother Manvendra secured a place in NIT from JEE Main and her youngest brother Vijay is doing B.Sc.