New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his gratitude towards doctors, health workers, pharmacist and other frontline workers in coronavirus pandemic. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was at foundation stone laying ceremony of AIIMS Rajkot in Gujarat. He said that ' Dawai nahi to dheelai nahi. and now I say that dawai bhi aur kadaai bhi' .


President Ram Nath Kovind extended his wishes and said that " On the occasion of New Year, I extend my heartiest greetings and best wishes to all our fellow citizens living in India and abroad."

He added by saying that 'On the eve of New Year 2021, let us work together towards creating an inclusive society instilled with the spirit of love, compassion and forbearance that promotes peace and goodwill.' May all of you remain safe and healthy, and move forward with a renewed energy to achieve the common goal of our nation’s progress”.

Veteran actor, politician Hema Malini posted a short video on Instagram to wish everyone a happy new year. She said that, 

"As we are heading towards a new year, I pray to Almighty that we have a healthy, happy and hopeful year ahead. May we get back to our normal life and fight all viruses with our immunity and will power. Happy New Year to all my well-wishers and fans. Happy 2021."

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor extended his new year greeting with a short audiovisual clip. He said that " Wishing you all a  wonderful, happy, fulfilling, productive and healthy new year. May 2021 be far better than the year it replaces."