New Delhi: Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in an alleged money laundering charge in Patra Chawl land case, has expressed gratitude to Opposition leaders for supporting him. A letter signed by Raut was released by Shiv Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi on Friday (August 5) where he thanked leaders of all opposition parties including the Congress, NCP, TMC, DMK, AAP, CPI and CPI (M) for showing solidarity with him, PTI reported. 


"The toughest times show you who your reliable allies are," Rajya Sabha MP Raut said in the letter. 

"I am thankful for the overwhelming support given to me during the political witch-hunt and motivated attack directed against me by the central government through central agencies. My fight will continue for what is right. Neither will I bow down to pressure nor will it break my resolve to see this fight through," he added. 

The ED had arrested Sanjay Raut on August 1 after conducting hour-long searches at his residence in connection with the alleged irregularities in the re-development of the Mumbai 'chawl' and related transactions concerning his wife and 'associates'. 

Meanwhile, Varsha Raut, Sanjay Raut’s wife, has to appear before the central probe agency on Saturday (August 6) for investigations in connection with the Patra Chawl case. As per PTI, Varsha Raut will likely be questioned with her husband and some other accused in the case when she deposes before the ED in its office in Ballard Estate. 

On Thursday, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had backed Sanjay Raut, saying he and his family are being "targeted" because he is not afraid of the BJP's "deceitful politics". Priyanka Gandhi wrote in a tweet in Hindi, "The only goal of the BJP is to grab power by threats and deceit, and trample upon democracy. Sanjay Raut and his family are being targeted because he is not afraid of the deceitful politics of the BJP and fights them resolutely." 

"Fear and intimidation are weapons of the cowards, they will not stand up to the might of the truth," the Congress leader added.

(With agency inputs)