Congress' MP for Thiruvananthapuram, Shashi Tharoor has always been an active Twitter user and this time he used the microblogging site to post about a challenge that his friend gave him. Tharoor is known for keeping the Twitterati amazed with his usage of terminology that leaves users to consult Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionary.  Tharoor, yet again, blew everyone's mind by taking to Twitter and talk about a challenge that he claimed his 'voyeur' friend put in front of him.


This time again, Tharoor tweeted about a 'farrago' situation to use the word "prurient" and create a poem out of it on 'media'. Duly accepting the challenge, Tharoor stunned Twitter by creating a rhyme to leave the situation more confused for twitterati to decipher.

He posted on Twitter as:

"Our media is often prurient, 
Around money some are esurient;
Many are visibly parturient,
When birthing their inner scripturient."

Loosely translated, the poem means: 
Our media is often lewd, 
where some are greedy for money
while many are visibly on the brink of being lewd
in the process of our urge to writing.

Confused? Tharoor openly and conveniently criticised the media while replying to his friend's challenge. For the ease from another 'farrago' situation, according to Merriam-Webster, prurient means "marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire".

According to Merriam-Webster, other words are defined as-

esurient: hungry or greedy       
parturient: bringing forth or about to bring forth young
scripturient: having a strong urge to write

Surely Tharoor's friend would not have seen this coming.  This is not the first time that Tharoor confused everyone with his vocabulary. Previously, Tharoor made 'farrago' one of the most searched words when he criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi on one of his speech in Lok Sabha.