Mumbai: As Maharashtra reported fresh cases of coronavirus yesterday, CM Uddhav Thackeray termed the situation as alarming and hinted at another lockdown. His party's editorial mouthpiece, Saamna, expressed displeasure over people violating the covid norms.  


It mentioned how the state administration is planning adequate measures to stop the spread of the virus, as both finance and health have suffered much because of the pandemic.  

"Follow the rules otherwise the lockdown will have to be imposed again. The same warning has been given by the State Health Minister Rajesh Tope. The public should take it seriously," read the editorial.

3,663 cases were reported in Maharashtra, while 2700 recovered on Tuesday (February 16). 

The party mouthpiece further said that the damage caused by the lockdown is being reversed by 'unlocking' it in a phased manner and that at such time "the negligence of some overzealous people" which could derail the progress must be checked.

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