Hyderabad: In a matter of serious concern, the police of two Telugu states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have been frequently raiding and recovering banned narcotic substance marijuana (ganja) which is being supplied towards Maharashtra. In the latest incident, the Rachakonda police commissionerate in Telangana on Monday (November 15, 2021) morning seized 1,240 kg of marijuana which was being transported to Mumbai.


The Special Operations Team (SOT) of the commissionerate intercepted vehicles in which the marijuana was being transported under the Medipally police limits on the outskirts of Hyderabad city. 


The seized ganja is said to be worth over Rs 2 crores and three people have been arrested in this connection.

"Based on specific intelligence input, our SOT teams intercepted these vehicles and seized the banned substance. The culprits confessed that the banned substance was being procured from Sileru near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and being transported to Mumbai via Telangana. The packing was being done in an abandoned garage on the outskirts of Hyderabad," disclosed Mahesh M Bhagwat, Commissioner, Rachakonda police.

"We have arrested three people in this connection and we are looking for three more accused in this case who are presently absconding," he added.

Those arrested have been charged under section 20 (b) (c) of the NDPS act.

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