TS TET 2022: Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test, TS TET Final Answer Key 2022 has been released online by the exam conducting body. With this, candidates must note that the TS TET Results 2022 will be declared tomorrow, on July 1, 2022. Candidates can now download the final answer key and get more details on the official website - tstet.cgg.gov.in. Manabadi TS TET Results 2022 date has been confirmed way in advance for tomorrow. However, candidates may please note that there is no official confirmation on the result time yet. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the TS TET final answer key 2022 of Paper 1 and 2 for all subjects.

ALSO READ: NTA releases answer key at for NCHMCT JEE

TS TET answer key 2022: Here are the steps to download the answer key


Step 1: Visit the TSTET 2022 official website at tstetnew.cgg.gov.in.

Step 2: Click the “TSTET final answer key 2022” link under the services tab.

Step 3: On the next page, the final answer key of TS TET 2022 links will available for paper 1 and 2 in medium-wise.

Step 4: Click the respective TS TET 2022 answer key for all subjects.

Step 5: Download and take a printout for future reference.

Direct link to download TS TET final Answer Key 2022

Earlier, the initial TSTET answer key 2022 was released on June 15, 2022. A total of 7,930 objections were received regarding TS TET 2022 Paper 1 and 4,663 objections were expressed regarding TS TET 2022 Paper 2. The TSTET final answer key 2022 was released after a thorough examination of all these objections.