New Delhi: The United Nations Human Rights Special Procedure has cited a UN human rights experts in flagging India's decision to hand over seven Rohingyas to Myanmar on Wednesday.


The UN human rights expert has said that India ought to refer the seven persons to UN refugee agency before taking any decision on sending them to Myanmar. "A UN human rights expert has expressed alarm at the Indian Government’s plan to deport seven Rohingya men to Myanmar, saying their forcible return could constitute refoulement which violates international law," the body said, quoting the expert. "The Indian government has an obligation to refer Rohingyas under their custody to the UN refugee agency so their protection needs can be assessed and proper information provided to them about their rights."

The seven Rohingyas set to be sent back were arrested in 2017. " Our police team is going to drop them off at Moreh border where they'll be handed over to Myanmar authority," Deepak Kumar, Inspector General (Law and Order) told news agency ANI.

Myanmar's military has been accused of persecuting people from the community which has forced a mass exodus into neighbouring countries. The country has been accused of violating human rights in the most barbaric fashion with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday asking countries like India to exert its influence to enforce a reconciliation in Myanmar. "I have never seen a community so discriminated in the world as Rohingyas," he said "To make them refugees is not my role. My role is to solve the problem of refugees. "What can India do? Support Bangladesh in helping these people because there is a huge humanitarian problem. Second, to pressure on Myanmar, the military in Myanmar for reconciliation and create conditions for these people to go back. These people will not go back in present circumstances."

It is estimated that close to 687,000 Rohingyas have fled Myanmar since August of 2017 began after a crackdown by the military which had support from Buddhist monks. An overwhelming majority have fled to Bangladesh with Sheikh Hasina, the country's president, vowing to help with out without external support.