In one of the most unique wedding ceremonies to date, a young girl named Karishma from Bal Bhawan in Haryana, Rohtak got married to her groom who was selected via interview! As shocking as this may sound, in the video, the bride is seen exchanging flower garlands traditional to a Hindu wedding and performing other ceremonial activities.


As per Mr Ajay Kumar, Deputy Commissioner Rohtak district the young girl expressed a wish to get married and so the officials took it upon themselves to fulfil Karishma's wish by interviewing the best groom and her new family. District authorities including DLSA, and Child Welfare Authority among others were involved in this selection process.

This unique wedding unfolded in Haryana, where the entire ceremonial arrangements for the marriage of a girl raised in an orphanage were overseen by the district administration. The special judge and the district magistrate graced the occasion, offering their blessings to the bride and groom. Karishma, at the age of 19, had spent her childhood in an orphanage after being left there by her parents. Upon receiving a ration card with the Rohtak address, she decided to relocate to Rohtak and pursue her education and will be appearing for her 12th exams next month. Following this, her marriage application was featured in the newspaper, and after interviewing the groom, the marriage was successfully solemnized.