A woman in Rajasthan's Nagaur district was brutally thrashed by her alcoholic husband, tied to a motorcycle, and dragged around their village, news agency PTI reported. The horrific incident, which occurred nearly a month ago, came to light after a video surfaced on social media, showing the woman being dragged behind the motorcycle. According to police, Premaram Meghwal (32) had a history of domestic violence and regularly thrashed his wife. On the day of the incident, he allegedly beat her up before tying her to his motorcycle and dragging her behind it through their village, Naharsinghpura.


The video, which was circulated on social media on Monday, sparked outrage and prompted the police to take action. Panchaudi police station assistant sub-inspector Surendra Kumar said the police probed into the matter and arrested Meghwal on Monday for disturbing the peace.

The woman, who is currently living with her relatives, had not reported the incident to the police. Her neighbours revealed that Meghwal was an alcoholic and regularly beat his wife, even restricting her from talking to anyone in the village.