New Delhi: The political circles in Madhya Pradesh are abuzz with rumours of former Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Kamal Nath joining the BJP, along with his son and MP Nakul Nath. The father-son duo reached Delhi on Saturday, fuelling speculations that they might switch sides on February 19, the same day when Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s Nyay yatra will enter the state. However, Kamal Nath did not confirm or deny the rumours, and instead asked the media not to get excited. “It is not about denying. I will inform you all if there is something like that,” he said.


Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh Congress President Jitu Patwari came out in strong defence of Kamal Nath, calling him the third son of Indira Gandhi. He said that Kamal Nath had a long and loyal association with the Congress, and had worked as the state party chief for seven years.

"I still remember when Scindia toppled the Congress govt in MP, all the Congress workers stood with Kamal Nath's leadership and ideology. The reports of him leaving are baseless. Can you imagine Indira Gandhi's third son leaving Congress? Can't think about something like that even in dreams," Patwari said while talking to reporters.

Another Congress leader, Digvijaya Singh, also ruled out the possibility of Kamal Nath joining the BJP. He said that he had spoken to him last night and he was in Chhindwara. He said that Kamal Nath was a person who had started his political career with the Nehru-Gandhi family, and he could not expect him to leave the Congress.