New Delhi: India on Monday (June 15, 2020) recorded more than 11,000 cases taking the total tally to 3.32 lakh and death toll at 9520.


As per the Ministry of Health data, the total coronavirus cases in India stand at 332424 which include 169798 recovered cases, 153106 active cases, 1 migrant patient and death toll 9520. 

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi are among the worst-hit states in the country as cases continue to surge. 

Here's the state-wise list of coronavirus cases in India:

Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 5 33 0 38
Andhra Pradesh 2765 3314 84 6163
Arunachal Pradesh 84 7 0 91
Assam 2081 1960 8 4049
Bihar 2261 4170 39 6470
Chandigarh 54 293 5 352
Chhattisgarh 891 763 8 1662
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 34 2 0 36
Delhi 24032 15823 1327 41182
Goa 490 74 0 564
Gujarat 5742 16325 1477 23544
Haryana 4117 3003 88 7208
Himachal Pradesh 174 337 7 518
Jammu and Kashmir 2593 2389 59 5041
Jharkhand 832 905 8 1745
Karnataka 2959 3955 86 7000
Kerala 1340 1102 19 2461
Ladakh 468 80 1 549
Madhya Pradesh 2666 7677 459 10802
Maharashtra 53030 50978 3950 107958
Manipur 367 91 0 458
Meghalaya 18 25 1 44
Mizoram 111 1 0 112
Nagaland 80 88 0 168
Odisha 1190 2708 11 3909
Puducherry 98 91 5 194
Punjab 717 2356 67 3140
Rajasthan 2836 9566 292 12694
Sikkim 64 4 0 68
Tamil Nadu 19679 24547 435 44661
Telangana 2412 2377 185 4974
Tripura 760 315 1 1076
Uttarakhand 684 1111 24 1819
Uttar Pradesh 4948 8268 399 13615
West Bengal 5552 5060 475 11087
Cases being reassigned to states 6972     6972
Total# 153106 169798 9520 332424

The number of new cases in the last 24 hours was at 11502, deaths 325. The recovery rate in India was at 51.07 percent.

A total of 5774133 samples of COVID-19 tested in India so far, 11519 samples tested in the last 24 hours as per the ICMR data.