New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Friday launched a scathing attack on Congress, saying that it will not be able to win even 40 seats after contesting in 300 in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Banerjee also challenged the Congress to win the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat, a constituency held by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the last two terms. 


“Nyay Yatra came to Bengal, why not UP’s Varanasi or Allahabad. If you have guts then go and fight BJP. You lost ur own Amethi seat," the TMC chief said.

"Congress & CPIM are trying to tickle Muslims in Bengal. Where is INDIA Alliance when the Congresss didn't show basic respect of informing me about its yatra coming to West Bengal," Mamata added.


She also pointed out a worrying pattern, where the Congress is losing its grip on areas where it used to have a strong presence. Banerjee’s biting remarks reveal a new aspect of the changing politics in West Bengal. Her choice to part ways with Congress and the following onslaught on the party highlight the shifting political scenario in the state.