Issuing a sharp rebuttal to SP chief Akhilesh Yadav's "useless (un+upyogi)" jibe, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the development projects in the state were "UP+Yogi" or useful for the 25 crore people of the state. However, the same development projects were useless (un+upyogi) for those who used to instigate riots for politics. "Professional criminals and mining mafias used to dominate Uttar Pradesh, (of course) we are useless for them," Yogi Adityanath said.


The chief minister, in an exclusive conversation with Zee News Editor-In-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary, listed out the achievements in terms of infrastructure development during his tenure in the state. Adityanath said that the state today has 10 operational airports. "We have provided households to 43 lakh people, we are useful for these people," Yogi Adityanath said. "There were 12 medical colleges made in Uttar Pradesh between 1947 to 2017, today the state has medical colleges in its 59 districts," he added.

Adityanath also said that politics based on caste and dynasty halted the development in Uttar Pradesh. The Chief Minister said that the dynasty and nepotism based politics didn't let the state grow despite having the "most cultivable land and best water resources in the world".

"Nepotism, caste-based politics always came in the way of UP's development," Adityanath said in an exclusive conversation with Zee Media's Editor-in-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary. "We have the best manpower, land and water resources. Still, we were not able to grow. Why?" Adityanath said