New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote an emotional farewell letter to the outgoing Vice President Venkaiah Naidu. Praising Naidu for his “conviction and infectious and infectious energy, PM Modi in a three-page letter compared the outgoing president with Acharya Vinoba Bhave. The prime minister also noted that Naidu’s extensive experience has inspired and motivated the young and first-time parliamentarians in Rajya Sabha. The senior BJP leader also expressed respect for Naidu’s concern for parliamentary discipline, anguish and discomfort over disruptions, zest for life and how the prime minister himself benefitted from Naidu's counsel on several matters.


Here’s Prime Minister Modi’s letter to outgoing Vice President Venkaiah Naidu!

Vice President's farewell message for the parliament

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said he will resume his unfinished journey in the service of the nation after he completes his tenure. He also said he will keep interacting with the people in the coming times and his focus will be on youths and farmers.

In humour, he said he does not believe in the concept of either president or dissident, otherwise resident' and that he would continue to engage with people.

"I will be resuming from the day after tomorrow my unfinished journey in the service of the nation," he told media at his residence.

"I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart because of the support given by the media," he said.

Naidu's tenure as Vice President ended on August 10 and after the swearing-in of new Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday, he will leave for Hyderabad along with his family.

Naidu has been allotted the official bungalow at 1, Thyagaraja Marg, in Delhi.

Earlier in the morning, he planted a sapling at the Parliament House complex marking the completion of his five years as Rajya Sabha chairman.